


Crickets silent,

crickets chirp on.

Crickets chirpy sound on.

So familiar, because I've heard it since I was born.

O, now it's mute,

What can I say about them?

They are or ugly nor cute.

Nor pretty as a sparkly gem.

They are simply familiar,

but not as a grasshopper.

I remember not knowing what they were.

So I screamed hitting it with a mopper.

Thinking back,

 I'm not sure whether I've known crickets since I was born.

                                          Because then I wouldn't have hit it- oh smack.

                                But, yes but. I do remember the familiarity as it walked past my lorn.



                                                                         Yes, Maybe...

                                               I should let a cricket be with me.

                                               Letting it be my friend. Forever until it comes to my end...

                                     - Khadijah Dilshad.




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