Are Science Experiments And The Modern World Leading Towards Animal Torture?

Science and our modern world

As our modern world becomes more civilized as well as sophisticated, the world of Science proves to broaden along with it.  

No doubt we are living in a world that interconnects with the help of  Technology and Science, these two factors have impacted greatly on our society, where education is widespread and knowledge is provided without limits. Scientists continue to research, test, and evaluate current situations around the world, they try to find a solution for each mystery and present it to the desperate humankind begging for a way out. 

Scientists have been carrying out experiments for decades and decades, some of which are essential and others that are unwanted and create more damage to humans and animals. The ultimate purpose of science is to figure out puzzles within the world and universe, where we finally devise a solution to help it out. Even so, as humans predominantly depend on scientists, the iniquitous group of scientists will continue on their tasks, they want to 'create' and keep experimenting from vegetation to animals to every living thing whatsoever. 'Wanting to evolve a better world with better economics' is probably one of the statements we've known of, however, that's not always the case what they claim. From Genetically Modifying animals and plants to using selective breeding as well as crossbreeding to create is what they call for 'a better purpose' for the world we live in.

GMOs (genetically modified organisms) have been altered using genetic engineering, making the resulting product of it unnatural. The main aim is for the selfishness of mankind, animals are used in laboratories for research as well as eaten in some cases, on the other hand, GMO foods are undoubtfully consumed in today's world. Animals that are created using genetic mutations tend to have more complications than the natural breeds, although scientists might deny it - it's certainly true. Take for example the featherless chicken - a chicken that was created using a present mutation that was already in chickens, these chickens are 'featherless' totally from head to tail. The creator of this breed Avigdor Cahaner claims that "The new chicken would be lower in calories, faster-growing, environmentally friendly, and more likely to survive in warmer conditions" he also, said "Chickens consume a lot of energy in order to grow rapidly. But in the process, they generate a lot of heat and have to get rid of it or they die. That's why the growth rate of broiler (chickens) is significantly reduced in hot seasons or hot countries and that is why poultry meat is expensive in these countries.''

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There are advantages of this type of chicken, however, the disadvantages are more as it relates to the wellbeing of the chicken, as they have a hard time surviving in cool areas, and are more prone to parasites, mosquitos, and sunburns, males might fail to mate, as the feathers are needed in specific mating rituals like the flapping of wings and dancing around the hens, and females' constantly get injured during the process of mating as the rooster's nails and beaks keep injuring them, which results in the cutting of the rooster's nails

“Featherless birds would also be very susceptible to any temperature variations – especially as young birds,” - Tom Acamovic, from the Scottish Agricultural College in Ayr.

The chicken is “disgusting", Joyce D’Silva from Compassion in World Farming explains, “It’s a prime example of sick science and the suggestion that it would be an improvement for developing countries is obscene.”

This illustrates the cruelty of scientists as they have no concern for the animal, their concern is mainly focusing on maximizing the benefits it can provide to humankind, as well as themselves.  A chicken was created with feathers, that protect it from scorching sunlight, as well as a coat that serves them in cold conditions. They weren't created as the main consumption of meat, moreover, they should be treated well and with absolute kindness. As the population of chickens expands, the consumption rate rises alongside it, resulting in a boost in the countries economy. 

Genetically engineering in animals is happening to all kinds of animals, ranging from cattle, pigs, chickens, sheep, goats, cats, dogs, fish, rats, and mice. 

Animals have been abundantly used for scientific experimental purposes, afterward, these cause them extreme fear and anxiety as they aren't aware of what is actually occurring to them. The experiments and tests result in the animal being typically killed or dying once the experiment has been carried out and is ended. The tests are extremely painful or lead to lifetime severe damage or death, moreover, after undergoing the excruciating and terrifying process they are finally dumped into cages, zoos, or wherever they initially belonged. 

 Felicette, a tuxedo cat was the only cat who successfully flew into space and the only one who returned back to earth alive. She underwent many testing's that normally astronauts do, which caused internal fear during this process. Alongside many selected felines, Felicette was finally chosen and flew on the 18th of Oct 1963, and successfully returned to earth. The researchers euthanized Felicette a couple of weeks after her flight to study and investigate her brain.

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Ham, a chimpanzee was launched in 1961 into space as a suborbital flight. He underwent a lot of fear and tough training  He returned to earth after 16 minutes and successfully survived the flight. After his return, he stayed his whole 17 years all alone in a Zoo.

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Laika, a Soviet space dog who became the first animal in space and the first to orbit the Earth. She was launched on the 3rd of November 1957 into space by the Russians. Laika couldn't return to earth and died due to overheating. She suffered a lot of torture, fear, and torment during this process as it was a suicide mission. Her remains were never found.

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Topsy the elephant, a female Asian elephant that was electrocuted to death on January 1903,
According to Wikipedia: The event was instead limited to invited guests and press only and Thompson and Dundy agreed to use a more sure method of strangling the elephant with large ropes tied to a steam-powered winch with both poison and electrocution planned for good measure, a measure supported by the ASPCA. On January 4, 1903, in front of a small crowd of invited reporters and guests, Topsy was fed carrots laced with 460 grams of potassium cyanide, electrocuted and strangled, the electrocution being the final cause of death. Among the invited press that day was a crew from the Edison Manufacturing movie company who filmed the event. Their film of the electrocution part was released to be viewed in coin-operated kinetoscopes under the title Electrocuting an Elephant. It is probably the first filmed death of an animal in history.
The elephant was electrocuted and the process of electrocution was filmed, which is still watched by people today. She was severely tormented and torched as she was violently shaken because of electrocution, however, after all that, they looped a noose around Topsy's neck and held it for 10 minutes, making sure she was completely dead. Although Thomas Edison is claimed to not be involved in the electrocution of Topsy, it's said that Edison filmed Topsy's death through a camera, which undoubtfully explains his approval of such violence. Thomas Edison has publicly electrocuted multiple animals, in order to explain certain points he had. The process of electrocuting the elephant wasn't discouraged, however, many people blamed the elephant for being a bad elephant to her masters, resulting in getting rid of her.

Using animals to prove science isn't a fine solution, animals have no say for what's happening to them or what is being done to them. They can be forced to do anything with the weapon of credulity, like beating or starving. Although the animals who have been tested are honored nowadays by the creation of statues and monuments, the honoring cannot be a justification for the torture they experienced once they were alive. The torture of animals is increasing as our world gets more advanced and modern and science rises alongside all of that.


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