السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
It's Khadijah here!
It's nearly a year ago since we last posted on this blog, SubhanAllah, however, we haven't forgotten you! Alhamdulillah, we have been too occupied to sit and post the many exciting things that have been going on, and what we have been up to. InshaAllah, whenever we are untied from all the chores and commitments we will definitely make the time to keep our blog alive!
In this post, I am going to share with you my handmade paper succulents that I crafted recently. They come in two groups: the 1st one consists of nearly all my handmade paper succulents while the other is simply a set of pots.
The majority of these paper succulents went through various stages: from living in a lovely wooden box to living in a delicate circular wall decor piece. Finally, they have settled in this beautiful transparent plastic box; the best part about this box is that dust is prevented from destroying their beauty! MashaAllah.
This is how the decor looks with the lid |
A closer look at them |
Here's how it looks without the lid. |
Here's the other decor: a set of terracotta pots that I hand painted the word 'JOY' on, and made suitable succulents to fit inside them.
To make the decor symmetrical, I made a large succulent for the "Y" pot and a duplicate which is however smaller for the "J" pot.
I adore snake plants, in fact - they are as well succulents, so I decided to make one of this kind for the letter "O" pot. It looks stately beside the other two lower plants, Alhamdulilah.
A closer look at"J" |
A closer look at "O" |
A closer look at "Y" |
Here's how the plants in the pots "J" and "Y" look from top:
The large succulent (LETTER Y POT) |
The small one (LETTER J POT) |
MashaAllah, I'm elated to have my creations displayed at our home- constantly fooling guests into thinking I maintain real succulents! I hope you enjoyed this post and got inspired to make some greenery yourself as well! InshallAllah see you next time, until then, let's continue to get creative and inspired!
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