Two little feathery friends!


It's Hanaah and Khadijah..........
Aren't you curious to know all about our feathered friends!

We've been talking about them all along,

But...... do you even know about them?

If you are interested to know... then this is a special post about them!

Let's begin........

Snowy Cluck

This is Snowy Cluck, She is right now going to be four months old...
She's a Legbar chicken (OH! don't worry she's not made of a "leg" and a "bar"!)
She's a lovely Pullet who has her own identity.

She enjoys being petted frequently...
She isn't soo patient and puts some tantrums when she doesn't get her way:
she puts a BIG tantrum and growls away if we forget to put her outside!
She also loves Custurd who is her only friend and gets
soo upset if something happens to her...
She loves cucumber, watermelon, grapes, mango and kiwi fruit!

Fun fact: Did you know that chickens eat chicken bones!
that might sound gross, but believe it or not our chickens LOVE chicken bones soo much!

Custurd Pluck

This is Custurd Pluck, She's also going to be four months old...We aren't so sure what kind of chicken she is.....But she might be a Hamburg chicken.
-NOT Hamburger! (don't mistake that with "Hamburg Chicken!)
                Custurd is a lady-like soft chicken who also has her own identity.
      She also gets very annoyed when she doesn't go outside and runs around the coop.
 She is very scared and sometimes makes silly decisions....but
 can become very friendly at special times.
    she loves to fly a lot and everywhere!
 she doesn't like to be petted frequently since that's her nature.
She gets soo upset when her one and only best friend Snowy gets missing.
She loves cucumber, watermelon, grapes, mango and kiwi fruit!

        Fun fact: Chickens can see all colors, and get especially attracted to red,
              our ones are SCARED of the color black!



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