Fruit kebabs

Assalamualykum everyone,

Today we thought of sharing with you how to make fruit kebabs, they are so simple and easy as you know! 
We made two different types with different fruits, you can use whatever fruits you have and make them!

                                                                         We used:

                                                                     1. Grapes,
                                                                     2. Mangoes,
                                                                     4. Bananas,
                                                                     5. Oranges,
                                                                     6. Half a lemon.

                                                                          Method :

  - Chop all the fruits into nice sized cubes and gently thread them into skewers.

 - You could squeeze a lemon if you're going to use bananas like we have.

 - Place on a platter and serve with a dip of choice, (you could drizzle some honey, chocolate, milkmaid or even serve with yogurt!

We hope you enjoyed this easy recipe

Love & Salams!




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