Designing CDs

                                              Assalamualykum everyone!

It's Khadijah here and today I'll be showing you how my sister an I designed CDs,we think they turned out super cute and we are very happy with them Alhamdulilah!
If any of you would like to try this craft keep in mind that you can use them as coasters or as a room decor,we personally feel using it as a room decor is better because you don't want your hard work to be damaged with tea/coffee/juice stains! 
You could simply add a piece of double - sided tape behind your CDs and paste them onto your wall,it would look gorgeous!

So with all that being said,let's get started!

Here's a peek at them, now :

This is the first CD, it's a lime that my sister drew.

A strawberry that my sister did, again.

Another one that my sister did.

I made this one, a cat eating a doughnut! 

This is a a dragon fruit, my sister drew it.

An acorn that i did.

A rainbow design that my sister did.

My first CD coaster, a doughnut!

An orange that my sister drew.

And a green chili that my sister drew.

Another doughnut that I made!

I made this tomato.

An half cut apple drawing, by my sister

An onion that my sister made,again.

A pear that I did.

A kawaii watermelon,I made.

An abstract drawing that i did out of some papers that I designed!

A saying that my sister did, honestly,we are not a fan of tea, BTW!

A cute coconut that I did, I love hove this tuned out!

An adorable bear bread drawing my sister did.

A cute cookie!

A kiwi by me.

A derpy pineapple that does not look like a pineapple even,
my sister did it!

Some kind of sweet that I did,I have no idea what it is, 
although I did it myself!

I wrote this saying 

And this one.

Some kind of fruit I invented :)

A egg that my sister did (it eventually got ruined!)

My sister drew this.

And I drew this.

Another sweet I drew .

A kawaii burger I drew!

An awkward looking cupcake I drew! 

A coaster we made for our father!

Well.. that's all for today, I hope you enjoyed today's post and you will also try making them!
Tell me which one you liked best,and we will see you next time on Monday,InshaAllaah,



  1. Masha'Allah these are adorable! You girls are really talented at drawing, Subhana'Allah! This has definitely given me an idea for a craft, insha'Allah.


  2. Jazakhallakhairan, we are glad you liked our CD coasters!
    We are so eager to know the craft idea you just got!

    Love, H & K


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