DIY bedroom decor ideas

 ‏اَلسَلامُ عَلَيْكُم وَرَحْمَةُ اَللهِ وَبَرَكاتُهُ

It's Khadijah here!

Today I'll be showing some crafts we used to decorate parts of our room, I hope these ideas will give you some inspiration to decorate your room too!

And now without any further delay, let's jump right into them!

 1. These were some frames from old canvases, we reused them into these pretty frames!

We love the handmade butterflies, they add a lot of colour to our room!                                                         

2. Making a small art gallery in your room would always make it look better!

3.We love this area in our room, it adds a lot of colour. We made the cd costers in this post,
and of course as you can see, we did not use it as CD coasters, instead a decor for our room! 

4. Last but not least, here's the last decor!
We really like the idea of making a dedicated area for a character, especially a character whom you love!
In this case we made our's Sumikko Gurashi themed!
We really love Sumikko Gurashi, due to the fact that most of them aren't figures!

Alright, I hope you enjoyed today's post, and got some inspiration to decorate your room!



  1. Masha'Allah, I can't wait to see more of the new characters for Her Cheese & Kay. They look so adorable! I also love the CD with the I ❤ 🐓 on it. It made me remember our old chickens. This post has made me in the mood to make my own bedroom decorators.

    ~ Sumayyah 💙

    1. Awww we are so glad you liked the crafts, sadly we are never going to post on HerCheese and Kay's site because we fear to fall into sin drawing cats and its always better to be in the safe side!

      We will continue to post our pre-made "figure" crafts on this blog until that...
      However We will be up to date on our other kawaii blog!



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