Fish poem

Photo by Sadiq Nafee on Unsplash

Assalamualykum everyone,

Khadijah here,

Alhamdulillah we have two fish tanks and each of them have lovely fish that are all named, I decided to share a poem I wrote quite a time ago when we were facing electricity cuts due to the current economic crisis of our country, Alhammdulilah we've found a solution now, but I think this poem will be relatable for other fish owners here.

Our fish

We absolutely love our fish,

having them was previously our dream wish,

Thankfully we got four,

one died so we got ten more.

We love all ten so much,

but they are going through a lot and we don't want them to experience such.

There is a major issue,

nothing will do except wipe our tears with tissues,

There are too many electricity cuts which cause them to severely lack oxygen, "they will die soon..." fish experts say,

So we have hearts of melancholy all day.

Oh, Allah please help us get a solution,

For our ten little swimming children. 

- Khadijah Dilshad.


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