Fostering A Paralyzed Squirrel

 Assalamualykum everyone!

It's Khadijah here.

It was quite long ago when this event happened as we consistently postponed sharing the story with you all, however, it's never too late as we find it so special in our hearts!

 It all started when my sister went with our ummi and grandmother to visit our cousins, I stayed home as there wasn't enough space to accommodate me. I gave my sister the chance to go even though we both wanted to meet our cousins. 

After everyone left, I was studying for a long time until around afternoon time I heard the gate opening; as I went downstairs my sister came running up to me in an abnormal jovial mood, to my surprise she had brought a … squirrel!

I was more than delighted - we both immediately ran up and put the pot in which the squirrel was in (it was closed) in our room and then my sister told me the story behind bringing the animal home.

Turns out this squirrel was caught and injured by our cousin's cat - Alex - and had been paralyzed due to that, seeing how injured the animal was, they rescued it immediately, it had been bitten twice by Alex. Our cousin sister is small so my sister really didn't want her to keep the animal as it will be a risk for such a young child to deal with, although she gave it the best care she could. She kindly gave my sister the squirrel; we then fostered the squirrel and named him Squeaks!

It wasn't easy keeping Squeaks as he was in bad health and we had to bring him back to normal, he was terrified obviously and often attempted to bite us so we had to always wear thick gloves whilst feeding him. 

Alhamdulillah, after some days of struggle we noticed he was getting gradually better. He was eating more efficiently, walking better, and using his hind legs! It was a shocker when Squeaks started walking and running swiftly.

To keep it short, he got healthy eventually and became more and more aggressive as he craved the natural environment, so as we planned, we let him free in our park and watched him secure himself in a tree bark. We sadly said goodbye and left him to start his wildlife once again.

We hope that he is safe and secure and has adjusted himself to everything. The experience of keeping a squirrel was something that we always dreamt of; we are definitely grateful for getting to experience such.


We managed to get a few photos of him!


We had many scary experiences with our cat, Ollie, she attempted to catch Squeaks and tried to get him out of the basket as her dream is to eat a squirrel!

With that being said, I hope you enjoyed reading our experience as squirrel care takers.



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