Mesmerising miniature crafts!

 Assalamualykum everyone!

It's Khadijah here.

We have made throughout the months multiple miniature and other types of crafts; they have been overwhelming to individually post so I decided to combine all of them so you all can enjoy them in one post.

Let's get right into this post!

1. Firstly, we made these three miniature landscapes from cheese jars :

From left to right : An aquarium, a snowy landscape and a dessert.

There was this glass that shattered due to my excitement after we finished a landscape, we were disappointed but turned that as well into a lovely decor!

At night it shimmers

In the morning it stays ordinarily.

2. These delicate desserts were created out of polymer clay and placed on top of a tiny cement pot, I also found a plastic spoon from our childhood box, so I added that as an extra touch.

The beads really brighten the dessert up!


Well...Not everybody loves strawberry desserts, so I made another chocolate one and apologize to vanilla fans! 

Observe the tiny details!

Not all little humans like desserts, some love savory and spicy so I couldn't just stop there, I made spinach spaghetti: vegetarian and with meat.  


 3. Our obsession for Pusheen hasn't ended yet!
 Here is a Pusheen plush, a tangible chubby Pusheen. 


This plush was completely made by Hanah, I only helped in the facial and other details : mouth, whiskers, and scarf etc...

The back.

4. We made these miniature landscapes and they were adorable at first,but then, gradually dust began to clump up on all the detailed corners, so we decided to transform them into slightly more interesting landscapes.

When we initially crafted them, this is how they looked.

New version : the snowman melted due to a few rain droplets that fell on it so we put him all together by, a fresh layer of paint, facial details and even a new scarf!

Look how cuter he looks!

He even got a new home, how grateful he should be!

This landscape featured a pond with tiny adorable goldfish, and trees surrounding it, dust accumulated again; the pond was destroyed and a new character invaded the goldfish, it's currently inhabiting in the landscape in it's own environment.

When we initially crafted it , this is how it looked.


Well...that's all I have to show you for today and I hope you enjoyed viewing our simple creations.




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