By: Khadijah Dilshad
Remember those good days,
When happiness over took my face?
When grief was not there,
When worry was so rare?
Remember those good times,
When days were covered by the brilliant ray of sunshine?
Remember the clucks and plucks of the chickens that were once chicks,
And the sweet tuxedo cat that used to lick?
Remember those good times,
When creativity was the only source that helped us get up, revive and climb?
Where family as absent,
And how everyone frowned when we spoke in our different accent?
Remember those sad times?
When we used to be drowned in the sour limes?
When sickness befell her,
And we came to realize who cares for sure?
Remember those sad times?
When fights used to dim
all the happy lights?
Remember? Remember?
Remember the sour and smiles?
I surely do, and they last at all times…
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