The Prince and the Priceless Possession

Photo by Tony Mucci on Unsplash Years and years ago, in a majestic palace adorned with gold chandeliers and silk carpets, there lived an honoured king who had gained the respect and love of his people for uplifting them from their poverty-stricken lives; he had made every person in his nation happy, except for his one and only son and child, the prince. The young prince neither smiled nor laughed, he sat all day miserable and deprived of happiness. The distressed king showered the prince with wealth and gave him beautiful women, camels and horses, but the prince was never happy. "What do you want more, son?" asked the king. The prince bowed his head and remained voiceless on his imposing throne. He was a pathetic sight. One day, before going to bed, the prince peered curiously from his lofty bedroom window. There appeared an old man tottering down a steep road, he hobbled and limped. The prince stared at the old man and watched him settle near a tree. The old man lai...