Re-cycled items into crafts

 السلام عليكم ورحمة الله

Khadijah here.

Alhammdulilah I made these little crafts from household materials I found, it was very interesting to re-cycle them.

These were made from an old cloth bag that my older sister had when she was a baby.

Mama samosa

Papa samosa

big-eyed baby samosa

This is Ollie - the fifth member of our family, she is a six-month-old kitten that we picked up from the streets.
These plushies were mainly made for her - she thankfully loves them (papa samosa best, for no reason!)  and really enjoys playing with them.

Using the wood pieces that always comes in a canvas packaging, I made this sign that is pasted in front of our door.
Home sweet home inspired.

This was a filter initially, I turned it into a pot and planted Basil plants.
Saplings of Holy basil (Tulsi) in a DIY filter bag pot wrapped with twine

Perhaps you remember we said long ago we'll show the patterned paper wall posters project, it was finished some months ago.
The lamination and putting on the wall was done recently, so have a look at them.

 A dozen were made, six being here in the photo, the other six at the back of the same posters
so that when we need a change we could remove it and change sides.

A little more of the rest were made into a book. click to view the post

That's all for now, let me know which one you liked best.



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