Digital art


  السلام عليكم 



 For today, I've got to show you some awesome digital art. My sister and I have started this some months ago, and we think it's our hobby now, We highly enjoy doing art now, Alhammdulilah!

We have an Instagram account showing all our art and so, btw- it reads as "Kawaii doodles", and yes-you were thinking it-I'm lazy to put the link up there! (LOL)

We used to really not like art  back then, but one day we decided to try some out in our free time,and we realized that it's more than fun!

Now,before we begin, don't forget that we ar'nt the best at art at all,just budding artists I guess?!

Let's have a good look at them...

(I'm sorry if some images are repeated) 


Munchkin's acc (munchkin-offical_)

she's wearing ears!



                                                        This is our general art that we post.




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