Toad garden (A toady story)


!هلا و مرحبا

Salam, Salam!

It's Khadijah here, again!

Sometimes you might feel like  you need an extraordinary, interesting or a different pet.

In our case, that wasn't the reason.   Ummi (my mother) doesn't let us have a cat (we think it's the most tamable and adorable pet, you can ever have!), which is very disappointing. 

Let me tell you a little about that....

As most of us love cats, she does to, but thinks of the responsibly. We also agree that taking a cat is a huge responsibility and also due to our house(there are a lot of windows) the cat can escape, if it were to be a indoor one, and of course, no of us likes being in a cooped cage, or even a large house, it's still a matter of no freedom.

We'd love to have a outside cat though dogs are here. The dogs are sweet but really do not approve cats on the streets. Glad to say that we are lucky enough to have our aunt close by- who has more than 10 cats in her house! All soft as cotton!

Now back to the topic...

I was wondering  if there is any interesting pet that could be and taken care of, whilst my sister came running "there is worlds smallest toad up there in our room!!"

We found him adorable. He was really adorable. He was smaller than an inch. We were really astonished to see a toad in our room? How on earth did he get there, first!?  Anyways he was caught to some hair and dust which unfortunately prevented him from moving, that was sad.   

 We helped that get of him carefully, and gently. Then We gave some plants for him to eat, he ate a few. 

We researched then quickly on toads. My sister had done a lot of research on toads and frogs when she went through a phase of loving them-that knowledge helped her a lot.  Toads can sometimes be really dangerous, so that meant we had to be careful when handling him!

"While toads make excellent pets for responsible children supervised by adults, they do secrete virulent skin toxins and must be treated with care. Always wash thoroughly after handling them, and never touch your mouth or eyes before doing so. Do not handle toads if you have a cut in your skin." info


 My point was, we made a mini garden for him- which he can have fun in.

Sorry. Don't have a picture of him, was really difficult to do that.

We tried to make it as fun as it can be for him.-we then put him in slowly and gingerly in side the garden. Placed a sever on top, and left him.       We were  going and looking and looking, on how he is, LOL.    Our mother said that it's very selfish to keep him like that, so she forced us to open it! *sob, sob*

He went missing


We found the toad sleeping in the bushes on our mini garden! Alhammduliah!!

Here's a short video on the garden.


I highly apologize for disgusting pictures, that isn't how it looks in real life! We have to get a camera soon! Insha'Allah.




In the night, he had a refreshing bath, and hoped on in to our real garden saying a big 
thank you and good bye!

My sister and I were really sad to see him go,

 but we think he'd perhaps be more happy out...
    Now ,there is no toad pet. We have no idea were he is....



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