Urban legend - (school project)

السلام عليكم

Some urban legends are definitely blood-curdling, but they are much better when they are based on reality, right? 

I'm totally not a fan of creepy stories - but today I've gotta write three of them, being about half a page long and with a very sus ending and of course having creepy content, but not gruesome. I decided to write it based on a real-life story that truly happened.

Fourteen-year-old Sofie was all alone by herself at home, even her twin neighbor not being there-when to her fright a terrifying man who was apparently a beggar had managed to open the gate, and came just right up to the door and banged it several times.
As a norm to the family, when an unknown beggar would come and annoy them they would say 'there is no one in the house.' whilst at this time Sofie was in a case like this - she said the same not realizing that the man went to the room window from outside and opened the curtain, with the most horrifying face he repeated her statement 'there is no one in the house' and frightened her out of her wits.
When Sofie ran to the next room, he did the same and continuously did that to each room she ran in fright of him, until she had no place to go. 
Finally, she ran to the kitchen believing that he had somewhat left, but the man didn't leave, instead, he began to vigorously shake the kitchen back door and yelled with his horrific voice causing her to feel extremely appalling and scared.



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