The BEST revision timetable you've gotta try!

سلام سلام

Ooooooooookaaay..... I haven't blogged for a while coz I don't have anything to write, nothing other than STUDIES (which is pretty boring, isn't it?)

So, recently I've been researching and browzing through many videos/ websites and trying to find the BEST revision timetable that will work best for ME, although there are LOADS, and loads of techniques to revise all over the net they seem kinda overwhelming and hard to choose which one's 'THE' best.

Youtubers always put such a 'catching' thumbnail and title to their videos that makes you want to click on it, however after clicking you realize that sometimes they just exaggerate way too much!  

I......well watched a lot of videos on Youtube and gained many beneficial tips, but TODAY I'm gonna show you the BEST revision timetable that will work for you, now, when I say this I mean it 'might work for you or might not if you find another better revision time table than go for it, nevermind!

This revision timetable is sooooo good for me, coz it helps me revise my topics very well and helps me schedule my day easily, so........ let's find out what's "so good" about it!


Well, let's say every one of us has at least made a timetable once in our life, and we are pretty familiar with how it looks, aren't we?

This is a FORMAL timetable, of course, we might have seen more colorful and
pretty ones!

Righto! now this timetable consists of seven days in the week with their names in the horizontal line at the top and a set of times starting from one time and ending at another in the vertical bar at the left side. We usually plan to revise whatever we wanna like this!  

e.g.: on Monday from 8am to 10am I'm gonna revise science, and for the next two hours I'll revise geography.

We usually categorize our day by time and days, but if something unexpected occurs in the middle of the week and you just can't finish that work there, then it's gone! You can't predict the future by guessing what you're gonna be doing the next few months or weeks coz.... .... well... are we even GOOD at predicting our future? ........definitely "no" I would say!     Also, how do you know that you've REALLY mastered that topic? you just keep revising or following that timetable over and over again!

That's the conventional timetable. What we are looking for is a timetable that allows us to study and revise based on our understanding of the topics, meaning: we study the weakest topics before moving on to our stronger ones, we must be ready to expect sudden unexpected situations and be able to even skip some days and continue on later..., and it must be a quick and easy way to make the time table, that shouldn't become a chore itself!

That's when I found the retrospective revision timetable, it's basically a timetable with all those things we were looking for above!

Instead of categorizing the subjects according to time, we switch it by writing the topic and its subtopics under that making it easier for us. You might not understand this very well... but let's see an example :

credit to JAMOE

credit to JAMOE

Here are some of the examples above, now I leave the rest to you!
I have some good links for you to read and get to know what this is really coz I didn't 
explain it to you ( I'm not good at explaining stuff), so if you are truly interested
go and read the links below, they will provide you a step-by-step process about this revision timetable.


Last but not least, before you go have a look at my timetable I mad using google sheets,
I made it for a chapter in my IGCSE maths.

As you can clearly see I haven't revised any topics coz I'm still studying...

See ya next time, 



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